I have always had a love for country music.. On my travels lately on the internet, I have notied Mostly just the oldies, So I thought I could make a group for us Country Lovers!!
... and here I am...trying something new...
Published on September 25, 2006 By Babe61ca In Welcome
Well I have found a new love and it is Stardocks fault... Not to worry there is no penalty, unless you call hubby feeling like a Pewter Widower... I ran in to the site after many yeares and spent the next 24hrs or so there.. There were the greatest with me.. It really felt like home..
Now today, I somehow stumble upon JoeUsers site and look what I got myself into.. I have never written publicly, so be gentle now..
I dug right in and began to read and had a blast.. I have laughed so much in a long time... I have a feeling alot of people are gonna be missing me for awhile, between all the different sites...
Looking forward to meeting lots of you..
Huggss.. Babe

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